Electing Change-Makers, Rooting Out Corruption in Congress and Senate.
Our Mission
The Green Congressional Campaign Committee (GCCC) is dedicated to empowering and supporting Green Congressional and Senate candidates across the nation who stand for truth, justice, and the well-being of all people. Our candidates are committed to fighting against corruption and corporate influence in politics, serving with integrity and transparency.
Like our candidates, the GCCC does not accept contributions from lobbyists, super PACs, or corporations. We are a people-powered organization, driven by the collective will to create a government that truly serves its citizens. Join us in supporting the candidates who are here to represent you. Your contribution today helps build a greener, more just future for all.
At the GCCC, we believe that real change comes from grassroots movements fueled by the people, for the people. Our mission is to ensure that every candidate who shares our vision of a fair, sustainable, and more peaceful future has the resources and support they need to win.
We provide strategic guidance, campaign resources, and a national platform to amplify their voices. Together, we can break the cycle of corruption and create a government that prioritizes peace, people, and the planet over profits. By donating today, you are investing in candidates who will fight tirelessly for a cleaner, more equitable, and peaceful future for all.

Justin Filip, Rally Against Pinkwashing 6.15.2024
Why we are Green
We are Green because we refuse to be complicit in our own oppression. Power should be shared amongst the many, not hoarded by the few. We are the redline, standing firm against genocide, injustice, and oppression worldwide. We believe in protecting our environment so future generations do not suffer, and we advocate for universal healthcare as a basic human right.
We can no longer tolerate the lies and conditions that devastate our communities. Homelessness persists while homes sit empty, prisons are built as schools close, and children are gunned down by police. The one-party system is killing our people, and we can’t afford to wait any longer for change. Real change requires breaking free from corporate money, and the Green Party is leading that fight, offering a vision for a just and sustainable future.
The corporate two-party duopoly is a dead end for revolution. The oligarchy will not surrender its power willingly, and while the planet burns, even Justice Democrats accept dark money. We are losing hope due to the greed of corporations and wealthy politicians, but we say, enough is enough.
We demand ranked-choice voting in all elections and basic human rights for the most vulnerable—disabled individuals, seniors, veterans, students, and low-income families. We fight for proportional representation in our democracy, and we will not rest until we achieve it.